How to Make Friends at Work

How to Make Friends at Work

Having friends at work has been shown to improve job satisfaction. It may not be revolutionary, but it's definitely true! Whether it's a new job or a job you've had for years, making friends is important for your sanity and so that you enjoy going to work every day. Today I'm sharing 5 easy way to make friends on the job!

1. Don't eat at your desk - It may be tempting to eat at your desk so you can get more work done, but lets be real: we've all been there and you're probably not being that productive while you're trying to balance your sandwich so it doesn't splatter everywhere, while typing an email (anyone else have this issue?!). Instead, eat with your coworkers! If you're super busy it can be as short as a 10-15 minute lunch break but you'll finish lunch feeling refreshed and happier. Eating with someone you don't usually eat with may seem a little daunting, but just ask a coworker when they are eating and ask if you can eat with them. If a group is going out to lunch, go out with them, or ask them to bring the food back so everyone can eat together in the conference room.

2. Ask about their weekend - Again, this may seem like a no-brainer, but asking what someone is doing over the weekend really tells you more about their personal life. Do they have a new grandchild you didn't know about, or are they dating someone new? Asking questions about their weekend will shed some light on what they really enjoy, and it will give you something to follow up about on Monday or later, to show that you really care and are invested in your friendship.

3. Give someone a compliment - Tell someone if you genuinely like their new hairdo, outfit, make-up, manicure, shoes, purse, coffee mug, you name it. Everyone (including me!) loves getting compliments, and it's a sweet gesture that will brighten their day!

4. Random Act of (Sugary) Kindness - Everyone likes sweets. Bring sweets to work to celebrate your team reaching an important goal, for a holiday or birthday, or to celebrate Friday. Baking gets you extra brownie points (see what I did there), but buying donuts or bagels at the store are just as thoughtful and delicious!

5. Say "yes" to outings - Whether it's a quick walk to Starbucks to recharge in the afternoon, or getting manicures or drinks after work, say "yes"! You don't have to buy the fanciest frappuccino, or even drink, but being present will show that you are interested in forming friendships with your coworkers.

Do you have any tips on making friends at work? I'd love to hear them in a comment below! 

Thanks for reading!

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