Inspiration Station: A Note on Resilience

A note on resilience: do you succumb or do you survive?

In the last year I've learned a lot about resilience. I've learned that life is not about what happens but how you react to the situation. Two people can be put in the exact same demolarizing situation but one will succumb and the other will surmount. The person who succumbs will feel like a failure and that they're not good enough. These doubting emotions take over and paralyze you from following your dreams or doing what you need to do. On the other hand, the person who surmounts will recognize this as a challenge and will do everything in their power to overcome the obstacle because they know they are worthy, intelligent, and hard working. These two people can have the EXACT SAME IQ AND WORK ETHIC but negative thoughts poison the person who succumbed. 

Moral of the story
"You must always have faith in yourself." - Elle Woods
"If you can't change your fate, change your attitude." -Amy Tan

No matter what situation you are in, be it a terrible family dynamic, a difficult financial situation, a debilitating illness, a career where your self confidence is continuously tested (read: the military and health care -- mad respect for people in both of those professions), your attitude can change what happens. It DOES NOT matter how smart you are, or how hard you work. Those are both important factor but you absolutely need to have faith in yourself and believe that you will succeed to do so. 

That's nice and all but how exactly do you "have faith in yourself"
1. Close your eyes and imagine yourself reaching your goals and how happy you will be. How excited and proud and thankful will you feel? Take that feeling and put it in your pocket and remind yourself of it whenever you are feeling sad or lacking self confidence. 

2. Put words of affirmation everywhere-- on your mirror, all over your desk, on your agenda, as your phone and computer wallpaper-- use these to continuously remind yourself that you can do it! 

3. Watch motivational videos or Ted Talks (there are 382 Ted Talks under the "inspirational" category!!)

4. Make a list of all of your previous accomplishments. You have achieving tons of goals in your life and certainly have touched many people's lives. Make a list of those to help you remember that you're a boss lady (or boss man!) and read the list whenever you're feeling discouraged.  

5. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and who will always remind you how much you can and will succeed.

Whatever you do, always have faith in yourself!

Thanks for reading!

P.S. Quote in the picture is from this article, which is a super interesting read about resilience!

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